Friday, February 24, 2012

House Tour {Our Progress}

Well here she is in all her glory as of now. There is still so much to be done but it's coming along quite nicely! The previous post has our bedroom as of now. It still needs curtains hung and art work.

We will start with the LR which still needs some baseboards put up and some shelves. I'd also like to add some yellow in the future:

Dining Room. Needs some shelves hung and the console table cleared off (see the air compressor sitting on the floor there?):
Playroom (It was clean but then Sadie wanted to mess it all up play):
Hallway. I made the Roman shade:
Half Bath (ya not much going on in there):
Main Bath (just needs our Dali prints hung):
Yes, we keep our macbook in the bathroom
Sadie's Room (still need to hang mirror over her dresser and get that all set up so there are no pictures of that wall yet):

and the Mudroom which is still a big work in progress:

For instance that ugly gold frame needs to be spray painted asap. Like the bench I stained?
This is where we hang our coats and place our shoes
Frog man toots his horn when we arrive...

 That's it for now. I'll post more as we update!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sneek Peek

Here is our bedroom with nothing hung as of now. I have to find some art work for 2 frames, I have to hang curtains, and maybe find a new comforter and sham set.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's been awhile

We have been so busy since we moved. I often think about making a quick entry but there is never time. I have a little bit of time now so I thought I'd fill you in on a few things. This is our 3rd weekend here and we are still not all unpacked. Pathetic! I know! We just haven't had the time. Josh has been working on getting our previous home ready for the Realtor to come and take pics and give us a selling price (fingers crossed it's a good amount). I've been studying my little butt off for my classes and playing with the baby lots! She's such a cutie. Starting to walk and stand on her own like a big girl.

Earlier in the week I plopped Sadie in the crib and went to work on her gallery wall. Originally I wanted to do embroidery hoops like this for her room:
But I really wanted to add in an old picture from my nursery when I was a youngin'. Here were a few options I came up with but wasn't too thrilled with:
There was another variation in there too but I don't have a picture of it anymore. Finally I decided on this (and I finally got it all up on the wall...on my own):
It has a little bit of everything I wanted and then some. By the time I was done and taking this picture Miss Sadie was like "get me out of here already". I'm very happy with it and every time we go into her room she points at it. So I guess she kind of likes it too!
Here was my process:

Step 1. Use tracing paper and cover area of hanging space on wall

Measure out and space where you want things to hang. This takes a lot of time and patience:
I started at the bottom with the shelf ledge, then I hung the ballet slippers in the center of the whole thing, then I hung my old picture and then I went from there with everything else. I used Drywall anchors and screws to hold almost everything up so it's good and secure. Once I had everything in place I added command velcro strips to the backs of everything for extra support. I don't think these puppies are going anywhere.
 Eventually I removed all the tape and tracing paper. I found this lamb print for free on pinterest it's from a blog called
I freaking love it! It reminds me of the time my mom and I took Sadie to see the Alpaca's at Hillside Farms and there were also sheep and one fell in love with her. Here, it melts my heart:

 Finished product again:
My next project is tackling the mudroom and cleaning up some very old picture frames we found in our old homes attic! Very exciting. Oh and the best news! We are going to Ikea this weekend! We are getting a dining room table and chairs and a few other things. I'll have to post and Ikea haul! It's free breakfast Saturday as well so I'm way too excited...