It's been quite awhile since I've made a post. I was busy finishing up my senior year and finally have my BFA in Interior Architecture and Design. What is that? It's basically just like architecture only we take existing buildings and re-purpose them. I also know Interior Design so I have a good range of opportunities out there. In July I start Grad School which is exciting but I'm also very nervous. I know I'm going to be extremely busy and that means a lot less time with my daughter. I keep telling myself it's only for one year (yep, that's right) and it will truly pay off in the end (one can only hope)! I've been off since the beginning of May and I've been enjoying my time with the bean who is now 13 months old. She is so much fun but also a wild beast! I'm pooped by the end of the night! I have to enjoy it while I can because, seriously, grad school is going to kick my ass. There is a ton of stuff to update on so I'll probably be making a few posts. I really don't know where to start but here is a picture of Sadie as of a few days ago:

Look at that smile! Don't mind her messy playroom. It's constantly messy. The minute I put something away it comes right back down/out! She loves her babies. Mostly this one that she cannot live without:
This is from memorial day. Her baby came out a little blurry but this is a Disney Princess baby - Sleeping Beauty (Aurora aka "BABY!").
Aurora BABY! just had a bath last night because she was so dirty that our parent's even said she needed a bath.
This is us a few weekends ago. We went to a bridal shower for a relative. I am in the process of growing out my bangs and a few weeks ago I dyed my hair a medium brown. I. hate. it. I'm looking into getting high lights.
Instead of going to my graduation we went to
Knoebels Amusement Resort. Josh and I have been going there since we were very young so it was only natural that our daughter goes. She was there twice last year (3 months old) and once this year. This is her helping me play miniature golf (I suck so bad). We look forward to many more Knoebels trips!
Otherwise we've just been enjoying swimming (err Sadie swimming and us watching) in the baby pool. More stuff and less life to come!
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