Friday, February 24, 2012

House Tour {Our Progress}

Well here she is in all her glory as of now. There is still so much to be done but it's coming along quite nicely! The previous post has our bedroom as of now. It still needs curtains hung and art work.

We will start with the LR which still needs some baseboards put up and some shelves. I'd also like to add some yellow in the future:

Dining Room. Needs some shelves hung and the console table cleared off (see the air compressor sitting on the floor there?):
Playroom (It was clean but then Sadie wanted to mess it all up play):
Hallway. I made the Roman shade:
Half Bath (ya not much going on in there):
Main Bath (just needs our Dali prints hung):
Yes, we keep our macbook in the bathroom
Sadie's Room (still need to hang mirror over her dresser and get that all set up so there are no pictures of that wall yet):

and the Mudroom which is still a big work in progress:

For instance that ugly gold frame needs to be spray painted asap. Like the bench I stained?
This is where we hang our coats and place our shoes
Frog man toots his horn when we arrive...

 That's it for now. I'll post more as we update!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so pretty, Kristi! I love the roman shade you made and Sadie's room is just so sweet! The dining room is beautiful...I love the black/gray combo and living room looks so cozy! :)
